Friday, October 5, 2012

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

First, Let’s be positive first. There is great joy in homeschooling, teaching your child how to read, write, and simple math. Those can be some of the easiest things to teach and some of the hardest. That moment when your child has been struggling to figure out how to do something and they suddenly get it is wonderful. That is when we jump and cheer, looking like a fool but who cares. You feel like the greatest mom in the world. You can do anything in that moment.

The Bad

Some days it is stressful. Actually, most days it is stressful. And there are times I forget to do math or reading more than one day in a row. My kids will be ruined for life. I feel the pressure to get everything done and done well. Most days I fall short. I wish I could relax and was better at managing my time.

The Ugly

Oh the UGLY! These are the times that I spend my energy yelling and wanting to hiding from the reality that I have to teach my monsters. And I mean monsters. I had one of these days very recentlyMonday. It was when we have CC class. So, of course, it didn’t go smoothly. That would never happen on a Monday. I got up at my usual Monday 5:17am time. I hate mornings, but if I don’t get up that early I can’t make sure I have everything for class. Everything was going well…until I got them up. Then everything went badly. Nobody wants to get ready or listen. So I spent the morning yelling. We left 15 minutes late. Grrrrr. Then I hit traffic, reminding me why we leave by 8 and no later. So what do I do? I start acting like a 2 year old. I am screaming for no real reason and crying uncontrollably all the way to class. I was completely ready to quit homeschooling,   put all 3 monsters in school, and go to work or just clean the house. I didn’t care at that moment what anybody would say or what the consequences of that might be. I knew I didn’t want to homeschool them and be stressed out anymore. Wow was Satan doing a work on me. Once at CC, it usually takes me anywhere from 30-45 minutes to get my room and board set up for the morning. Amazingly, I was able to get it done in 15 minutes, got a hug and an encouraging pep talk from a remarkable encouraging friend (thank you), and made it for the last few seconds of tutor prayer time. This is about where my morning changed. My oldest, Emily, played the piano for our opening time. I thought about how far she has come since starting lessons 2 years ago. This is not something we would have even considered if she were in school. I thought about the blessing God has given to me in her. She is an incredible child. I would not want her gone all day and not be blessed by her. But then there is Ethan, who gets frustrated and starts crying over stuff that I think is ridiculous to even get upset over. But, for him it is a big deal. Do I really want to send him to school where he will have to be just another student and possibly be made fun of because he is crying? No way. But, his CC class is loving towards him, especially one student in particular, who, when she sees Ethan crying, shows compassion and cares to make him feel better. Thank you sweet girl. Plus, when I get to where I am upset and the tears start to flow, he makes me feel better with a hug and kiss. He is sweet, kind, silly, and just plain funny. No way could I do without that! Now I can just sending the crazy girl to school. This seems very appealing since Emma she is demanding, stubborn, and drives me insane. She gets mad and doesn't want to do any more school work because her “S” doesn’t look right. Also, when I am working with the big kids, Emma is distracting, disturbing, and destructive (she make messes and has no care to clean it up.)  Well, I can’t send her anyway, since she won’t be 5 until November. Plus, when you need a good laugh, Emma is ready and waiting to give you one. Emma’s craziness keeps life interesting. The biggest bonus to having her home is that she gives great back rubs (for about 2 minutes) and is one of the best cuddlers ever!

The Reality

So even though the bad seems to happen most often, and there are the ugly days, the good days make it all worthwhile and the bonus is getting to know and spend time with my kids. At times I want to quit, but when I look at the big picture, I know this is right where I should be. God blesses me through my kids daily. I just need to stop letting Satan interfere with our mornings, especially on Mondays and Thursdays.

As far as Monday is concerned, the day kept getting better and better. I had fun with my class. Emily’s Essentials went well. And when I got home, the kids reviewed CC memory work and did really well. I was amazed at how much Emma even remembered. I love what we do!

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